Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 2... A little late but you know you don't care... She's Adorable!

So really this should have been posted last night, but the days already seem to be longer and the nights shorter... don't worry, we know, that is the next 30 years of our lives! Today was family day and a lot of Leigh's family came to visit. It was great for Rorey to meet so many aunts, uncles, grandparents, great aunts and uncles, and even great grandmothers. We are so blessed to have so many people that care about us here in Dallas... don't worry Carruths, we know you'll be around soon!

Rorey is doing great the pediatrician told us, she is healthy, and passed her hearing test on the first try (usually C-Section Babies don't pass the first time because of the fluid still in their ears... that's just how awesome our daughter is, we know, we're biased). She is still not so big on eating, more sleeping and then staring at everyone around her. As the night went on though, she started to eat a little more, which the nurses said is just fine.

Well we know you're not too worried about what we're writing, but want to see pictures so here are some from today:

Probably one of our favorite pictures of Rorey still... this was just after she was brought in in the morning from the nursery.

Leigh's Oma (grandmother), Leigh, and Rorey... Oma's first great grandkid!

Leigh's dad, now to be referred to as G-Bob (or as we pronounce it Ga-Bob), reading Rorey her first story, The Runaway Bunny. We're currently working on a contract for him to record stories for her...

Rorey preaching to the choir... she's almost ready for the Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park!

Daddy-Daughter bonding time, Andrew waited all day for this moment, it was worth it he says...

Anne Geddes... eat your heart out! Rorey's first naked nap... just after she had her first projectile burp!

Have to start them young right... our children will be brand loyal, even if it means we buy toddler glasses and paint an Oakley O on the side!


  1. She is gorgeous, and LOVE the Oakleys!

  2. I love her! I love these precious pictures. Be prepared you two before you know it you will be looking at these and saying" oh my gosh, look how little she was." They grow so fast. Each milestone is so exciting though. We love you and miss you! WE can not wait to meet her...

  3. I'm in love! She is beautiful and I cannot wait to meet her! She is one lucky kid--having the two of you as parents. :)

    P.S. I probed the internet for more than an hour yesterday in search of Chaco/Oakley gear for infants, but alas, I found nothing. I think y'all should write both companies and ask them to start manufacturing children's ware--just let them know that Rorey is your first and that you'll supply them with plenty of business between her and future Carruths. :)
